4.b Research (headquarters)

Here the active player can invest his/her production points in the research of new technologies. The various research levels are consecutive. This means that it is necessary to reach the first research level before progressing to research the second research level in any field. However, it is possible to conduct research in all three fields simultaneously!

Tip: Unplaced production points are saved for the next round, so more expensive research can be financed.

Research in this field will improve a player’s own military abilities. When the active player’s research into a military technology has been completed, this will be displayed when the public event “New technology” is viewed.

Note: Completed military research is publicly displayed, in contrast to technology and economic research, as the players always have to know which bonuses a player actually has in the fight.

Level 1 – Throw a die again

During each battle round, the player may again throw a die of their choice they have already thrown. The last result he/she throws will count!


In a battle, the active player throws three dice – one black die for his/heraircraft and two white dice for his/her infantry. With the two white dice, the player throws a hit in both cases but with the black die he/she does not throw a hit. As the player is allowed to throw a die of their choice again, they decide to throw the black die again. This time the player throws a double hit. The opponent must thus remove four units of their choice.

Level 2 – Increased troop capacity

The player may now command an additional unit to each area over and above the specified troop capacity of that area.

Note: For active “Special Skills” of nations, the player who plays the US may exceed the maximum number of units per area by one unit. If this player has also completed the research “Military – Level 2”, this player may even exceed the maximum number of units per area by two units.


The active player can now command four units (instead of the specified three) to “Western Australia”.

Level 3 – Double hit

In every battle round, one of the single hits that the player throws counts as a double hit.


The active player throws three dice. He/she does not score a hit with the aircraft unit die but does score hits with the tank unit and infantry unit dice. As the active player has research level 3 of military research, a hit of their choice – in this case that of the infantry unit –counts as a double hit. The opponent must remove three units.

Researching a new technology will earn a player various bonuses and the corresponding advantages for his/her nation. When the active player’s research into a military technology has been completed, this will be displayed when the covert event “New technology” is viewed.

Level 1 – More effective secret agents

Researching this technology increases by 10% the chances that the player’s secret agents will be successful.

Note: The exact success probability of a trade boycot, espionage or sabotage is given in phase 4.c “Diplomacy” and phase 4.d “Espionage and sabotage”.

Level 2 – Additional infantry units

Thanks to this technology, the player gets an additional infantry unit in every round. This is automatically taken into account by the smart device (tablet) and is displayed as a public event in the form of “Fresh troops”.

Attention: The additional unit is automatically added by the LEADERS app and displayed in the national public event “Fresh troops”.

Level 3 – More production points

This technology increases the production points income of the player by 10%. The smart device (tablet) automatically takes the increased production points income into account.

Attention: The additional production points are automatically added by the LEADERS app and displayed at the national secret event “production points”.

Research in this field increases economic productivity and thus gives the active player more production points. When the active player’s research into an economic technology has been completed, this will be displayed when the covert event “New technology” is viewed.

Attention: The additional production points are automatically added by the LEADERS app and displayed at the national secret event “production points”.

Level 1 – More production points

In every round, the active player receives a fixed amount of additional production points; the actual amount will be determined by the number of players. The amount will be roughly equivalent to half the value of an infantry unit.

Level 2 – More production points

In every round, the active player receives double the amount of additional production points. The amount will be roughly equivalent to the value of an infantry unit.

Level 3 – More production points

In every round, the active player receives three times the amount of additional production points (equivalent to roughly one and a half infantry units).

Table – Economic bonus

Number of players Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
2 players +5 points +9 points +14 points
3 players +3 points +6 points +9 points
4 players +2 points +5 points +7 points
5 players +2 points +4 points +5 points
6 players +2 points +3 points +5 points

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