2. National events

The smart device (tablet) is used for this phase. Assuming this is available, the active player is now shown information on any public events (to be revealed to all players) and covert events (to be revealed to the active player only). If diplomatic requests have been received from other players, the active player is required to respond to them at this point.

Note: The active player can tap on “Continue” only after he/she has scrolled through all events.

Example: Public event “Sabotage”

The active player was successfully sabotaged by a fellow player. He must now remove the displayed number of units, in this case three arbitrary units, from his base camp and return to his reserve.

Note: If the active player has fewer units than displayed in his Base Camp, only the maximum possible units are removed from Base Camp.

Every event must be viewed by scrolling with the arrows on the left and right of the screen and action taken according to the instructions given by the smart device (tablet). Only after this has been done will the player be able to continue by tapping on the “Continue” symbol at bottom right.

Public events

The active player removes the indicated units from his/her reserves and transfers them to his/her base camp.

Example – Step 1

The LEADERS app shows the active player that he gets 3 infantry and 1 tank unit.

Example – Step 2

The active player now takes 3 infantry and 1 tank unit from his stock and places it in his base camp.

Note: If there are not enough units in stock, the player may use units of an unused player color.

If another player has sabotaged the active player, he/she loses the indicated number of units but may freely select which units to lose.

Note: If the player does not have enough units in his/her base camp he/she has struck lucky! He/she only loses the number of units actually in his/her base camp due to the act of sabotage.

Tip: Any player who finds that they are being frequently sabotaged needs to recruit more spies as these provide protection against acts of sabotage and espionage.

The active player has two infantry, one tank and two aircraft units in his/her base camp. An act of sabotage means that he/she loses, for example, three units. The player decides to lose two infantry units and one tank unit and transfers these back to his/her reserves. The two aircraft units remain in his/her base camp.

Any player who completes the development of new weapon technology in his/her headquarters in the category Research/Military will be appropriately notified. The player then places his/her wooden marker on the indicated symbol on their player board. The markers show all players what bonuses each player has when it comes to battle.

bullet_forschung_militaer_stufe3 Military research level 1: Throw a die again
The player may throw a die of their choice again during each battle round.
bullet_forschung_militaer_stufe2 Military research level 2: Increased troop capacity
The player may now command an additional unit from his/her base camp to every one of his/her occupied areas.
bullet_forschung_militaer_stufe1 Military research level 3: Double hit
Every hit the player throws in every battle round automatically becomes a double hit.

Example: Military research event

The active player (“United Kingdom”) manages to complete military research level 2 (Hercules C-130). The corresponding event is now displayed.

The active player places one of his/her wooden markers next to the corresponding symbol on their player board. In this example where the player has reached military research level 2, the player may now command an additional unit from his/her base camp to every one of their occupied areas.

Note: Players retain the bonuses for technologies they have already researched. In the example provided, this would mean that the active player can continue to throw the die of his/her choice again in all future battle rounds (as they have reached research level 1).

On his playing card, the active player now places his wood marker next to the corresponding symbol on the scale for Honorary Badges (in this case next to the Commander’s symbol).

The active player successfully completes a mission. In this case, he/she is promoted to commander.

Note: If the option “Victory through missions” is activated for the scenario, the player who first reaches the rank of “LEADER” wins the game!

Note: The active player can tap on “Continue” only after he/she has scrolled through all events. As soon as the active player has tapped on “Continue”, he/she turns the smart device (tablet) around so that only he/she can see the screen as the following covert events are to be seen by him/her only.

Covert events

The active player is now shown information on covert events that only he/she may see. The player should read this information through carefully and take it into account when planning his/her strategy. Apart from this, no other actions are required from the player.

Any player who reaches a new level at their headquarters in the categories Research/Technological or Research /Economic will be notified accordingly. The smart device (tablet) will always automatically add the corresponding bonus.

Note: Progress in military research is always displayed as a public event as the other players need to be able to see the corresponding bonuses!

Research / Technology

Technology – level 1: More effective spies
Researching this technology increases the chances of success of the player’s spies by 10%.

Technology – level 2: Additional infantry units
Thanks to this technology, the player gets an additional infantry unit in every round. This is automatically taken into account by the smart device (tablet) and is displayed as a public event in the form of “Fresh troops”.

Technology – level 3: More production points
This technology increases the production points income of a player by 10%.

Research / Economic

Economy – level 1: More production points
In every round, the player receives a fixed amount of additional production points; this amount will be determined by the number of players. The amount will be roughly equivalent to half the value of an infantry unit.

Economy – level 2: More production points
In every round, the player receives double the amount of additional production points. The amount will be roughly equivalent to the value of an infantry unit.

Economy – level 3: More production points
In every round, the player receives three times the amount of additional production points.

If the active player has appointed new diplomats in his/her headquarters, this event plus the number of new diplomats will be displayed. The diplomats will be immediately available for use in diplomatic negotiations (tribute, peace, alliance).

A player can help another player by paying them tributes in the form of production points. The active player will learn how many points other players have decided to give him/her when this event is viewed.

If the active player has made an offer of alliance to another player, the active player will learn what the other player has decided when this event is viewed.

Note: If the offer of alliance is accepted, the allied players may use the areas occupied by their ally to launch their own attacks and can also come to the defense of the ally if this player is attacked in their occupied areas. In addition, the two players may no longer attack each other.

If the active player has recruited new spies in his/her headquarters, this event together with the number of new spies will be displayed. The spies will be immediately available for use in acts of espionage and sabotage. If the player retains spies in his/her headquarters, they will be able to repel enemy spies!

Note: It is advisable for a player to keep a few spies (up to 10) in his/her headquarters as they can defend against enemy spies.

The active player will be shown information on this event if they have successfully sabotaged another player.

The active player will be shown information on this event if an act of sabotage fails.

Note: It will not be revealed to the active player whether their spies have been unmasked or not during the failed act of sabotage!

An opposing player has attempted to sabotage the active player but the active player’s intelligence services have managed to prevent the sneak attack.

One of the spies of the active player has acquired highly confidential information about another player. The active player can now see in detail the current level of research that the other player has reached in the three categories military, economic and technological.

Note: If the scenario provides for victory through research, this information can determine the outcome of the game!.

The active player will be shown information on this event if his/her act of espionage has failed.

Note: It will not be revealed to the active player whether their spies have been unmasked or not during the failed act of espionage!

An opposing player has attempted to spy on the active player but the active player’s intelligence services have managed to prevent this.

The active player has unmasked an enemy spy before they could transmit confidential information or commit an act of sabotage. The active player’s intelligence services have also luckily managed to identify which opposing player is responsible.

The active player has unfortunately not completed the selected mission in the time available and will not be decorated this time. The player should not give up but should try again!

When the active player views this final event, they will be shown information on how many new production points they have earned in the round. These are added to the already available production points and are then available to the active player in his/her headquarters.

Note: A player can only tap on “Continue” after they have scrolled through all events. The player is then transferred directly to his/her headquarters or he/she is required to respond to diplomatic requests of other players.


It may be the case that other players have sent a diplomat with a peace treaty or an offer of alliance. The active player now needs to decide whether to accept or reject these.

If an offer of alliance is accepted, the allied players may use the areas occupied by their ally to launch their own attacks and come to the defense of the ally if this player is attacked in their occupied areas. In all other respects, an alliance is the same as a peace treaty.

The active player can accept the offer of alliance or agree to the peace treaty of another player by tapping on the “Tick” symbol. The player can reject the offer or treaty by tapping on the “Cross” symbol.

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